What are the pre-requisities for the ImageOnSnap, the image management software and PDF / DOCX document management software?

You need SQLEXPRESS (free version of sql server) from Microsoft. This is included in the setup package for you. So if your computer doesn't have sqlexpress installed, setup will prompt you to install one. You also need .Net Framework Runtime 6.0. This is not included in the setup program. So if you does not have this on your computer, you need to download and install it. Otherwise you can't Launch the program. This is also free from Microsoft.

What types of files that can be Managed with ImageOnSnap, the image management software and PDF / DOCX document management software?

All image files can be managed with ImageOnSnap. Thet are BMP files, JPEG files, GIF files, PNG files, TIFF files. ImageOnSnap started as image managemnt software, but later due to popular customer demand ImageOnSnap is upgraded as PDF / DOCX Management software as Well. So it also accepts PDF documents, DOCX word documents. But to View Stored documents You need respective softwares like microsoft word and software to open pdf files is required.

How does your image management software help streamline our digital asset organization process?

ImageOnSnap securely stores images and can be retrieved when needed. It can store up to 2GB image data and can store up to billion images.

Can your PDF/DOCX management software handle large documents without compromising performance?

Yes, ImageOnSnap can easily manage documents up to 2GB and can store securely in database.

What security measures are in place to protect sensitive data stored within your software?

Your images and documents are encrypted and secuerely stored in database and later when you want to view them they will be decrypted and provided to you.

Is your image management software compatible with various image formats and resolutions?

Yes, it can store all image types and resolutions, without changing the quality of image. ImageOnSnap can manage BMP files, JPEG files, GIF files, PNG files, TIFF files.

How can your software assist us in automating the indexing and tagging of images and documents?

You can enter image name, image description, image taken date and time, so that you can safely clasify your images.

Can your PDF/DOCX management software integrate with popular document editing tools like Microsoft Word?

No. Microsoft Word is not integrated with ImageOnSnap. But You need Microsoft Word to View DOCX documents stored in ImageOnSnap.

What are the options for cloud storage and backup features with your software solutions?

With ImageOnSnap currently There is no option for cloud storage, Images and documents are encrypted and stored securely in sql server database.

Does your image management software offer advanced search functionalities to locate specific images quickly?

Currently this feature is not available in Image OnSnap, the image management software and PDF / DOCX document management software.

How does your software handle metadata, and can it be synchronized with existing databases?

Yes, all the meta data of documents will be kept securely and can be retrieved safely from database with Image OnSnap, the image management software and PDF / DOCX document management software.

Can your PDF/DOCX management software convert scanned documents into searchable text?

No. This feature is not curretly available in ImageOnSnap, the image management software and PDF / DOCX document management software.

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